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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Answer to Distress

Updated: Apr 12


1 Samuel 30:6

And David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because all the people were bitter in soul, each for his sons and daughters. But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God.


There are many things that can bring distress in our lives; situations can sourer, circumstances can crush us, predicaments with family can frustrate us and incidents with friends can incapacitate us. David and his army had come home from battle. They returned to a ravished city. Everything they owned was shattered and everyone they loved seized. Bewildered, bitter and broken, the soldiers lashed out at David. The people rose up against him. Their grief was a gathering storm against him. He was at fault. He was the culprit. His decision led to their destruction. His choice led to their families being captured. If they had remained in the city none of this would have happened. Their rage turned to rebellion and their bitter soul led to backlash against David.


David was “greatly distressed”. His family was taken captive as well. His dwelling too was burn to the ground. He grieved in the loss along with his men, yet his sorrow didn’t search for a scapegoat. In his suffering, he sought the Lord. In his grief, he looked for guidance. “But David strengthened himself in the Lord”. He called for the priest to bring the ephod, the instrument of God’s guidance, so he could inquire of the Lord. In his dilemma, he sought a divine directive. The Lord clearly answered. David responded immediately taking heed to the directive that was directing him


Others lashed out, but he looked up. David’s response reflected his character and his heart. He was a man after God’s own heart. He knew from where his help would emerge. His guidance would be given. His soul would be strengthened. Conflict doesn’t make the man, but confirms what the man is made of.


There is much to learn here. We live in a world of blame. When distress or despair comes upon us, we find it easy to blame others for the bad that befalls us. We often allow bitterness to give birth to blame. Regardless of life’s devastating dilemmas, we must, like David, direct out concerns above to find strength in our struggles. We must seek him for steps forward in the midst of our frustration.


We must consult His ephod, the Bible, to find direction in our distress and answers for our anguish. It is His Word that will point our way, counsel us in our conundrum, and will bring hope and help in our heartache. So rather than blame others for the bad, beseech the Lord. He will hear. He will respond.


Today when distress comes upon you, do as David did, strengthen yourself in the Lord. Look to His ephod, His Word to find the direction that will dispel your distress. Call to Him to counsel and comfort you. Listen closely to gain His guidance. Follow His direction and find hope beyond your distress.

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