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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

All Yours

Updated: May 2


1 Chronicles 29:16

O Lord our God, all this abundance that we have prepared to build You a house for your Holy name is form Your hand, and is all Your own.


The Lord possesses all things and provides all things. These are two clear affirmations that David makes in our text. He knew that everything is the Lord’s and from the Lord. As he was accumulating supplies to build the temple, this profound truth overtook him. He proclaims, “For all things come from You, and of Your own we have given You.” They gave what God had given. They simply reallocated what they had received from His hand. His portion given to them became their products given for Him.


The Lord possesses all things. All is His. David says, “for all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours” (1 Chron 29:1) David again express this truth in Psalm 24 when he writes, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein. . . . “ (Ps 24:1). The Lord Himself states, “. . . for the world and its fullness is mine” (Ps 50:12). He made it and He owns it. By right of creation, it’s His. All is really His. As such, He can do with what is His as He pleases.


The Lord provides for us. Everything we have comes from Him. He provides it all. He distributes it all. It is by His hand that we have anything. He bestows our bounty. Our blessings are by His benevolence. David says, “all this abundance . . . is from Your hand’. He acknowledges that the silver, gold, bronze, wood, iron, “the glistening stones of various colors, all kinds of precious stones, and the marble slabs” (1 Chron 29:2) were all given them by the Lord for the Lord’s usage. His provisions are not restricted to just His people. Paul affirms that the Lord, “. . . gives to all mankind life breath and everything” (Acts 17:25). All is His and all that we have is from Him.


This is an incredible affirmation. It is one that changes the dynamic of our existence. We pursue possessions. We seek stuff. Consumer consumption dominates our decisions. We strive to attain. We want but do not have. We whine when we can’t have. We work to get what we don’t have. We worry because we do not have. We seem to never be satisfied. We are not content. We want more, bigger and better.


Yet we fail to see God’s economy. He provides. He supplies. Our striving for more, our stressing over our lack, fails to see the Lord’s hand in our provisions. We can’t add to what He doesn’t provide. All comes from Him. Everything we have finds its source in Him. It is in Him we must trust. It is to Him we must look in our need. His provisions are displayed throughout the pages of scriptures. When the prophet was famished, He delivered food from the mouths of ravens (1 Kgs 17:6). When the wilderness wanderers were starving, He daily rained down bread from heaven (Ex 16:4). When the widow was without, He daily replenished the oil and flour to sustain her (1Kgs 17:16). When the multitude was hungry, He multiplied the fish and loaves (Mk 6:41). He possesses all and He provides all. All is His and all is from Him.


Today thank God that all is His. Don’t plead with Him for what you don’t have, but praise Him for what you do have. Thank Him that He has graciously given you good things. Ask Him to help you be pleased with what He has provided and be satisfied with what He has supplied. Thank Him that He possesses all and He provides all. Ask Him to help you daily trust Him to abundantly provide all your needs according to His riches in Glory (Phil 4:19).

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