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Ahh Sleep

Updated: May 17

Today's Bible Reading: 1 KINGS 4:1-34, PSALM 72, 127


Psalm 127:2 For so he gives His beloved sleep.


Sleep is often a long sought-after commodity. Many of us find it hard to sleep. We toss and turn throughout the night concerned about those things that trouble us. Nothing we try seems to alleviate our anguish and allow us to attain rest. We end up with the misery of sleepless nights followed by dreary days. But Solomon gives us some hope in this Psalm.


Solomon shares the struggles that create our sleeplessness, he sets forth the solution for sleep and he states the surety of the “saints’ sleep. There are many things that induce insomnia. In the Psalm Solomon discusses the provisions of a house, the protection of a watchman, the pain of anxious toil and the problem of parenting children. Concern for any or all of these things can cause us to worry or fret. It can make our minds clouded with these concerns. We find it impossible to turn off our thoughts and we struggle to fall asleep and stain to stay asleep. Life can lead to long nights.


Solomon also tells us the solution for sleeplessness. He says simply, “He gives”. In the midst of all our distress and despair that leaves us sleep deprived the Lord provides help. You see sleep is a “gift” from God. He has gifted you with all that is needed to find the rest that you seek. As a gift, it only requires that we receive it. There is nothing more necessary to experience a great night’s sleep. He has offer it and we just need to accept it.


But Solomon goes further to speak of the surety of the “saint’s” sleep. It is “his beloved” that are gifted with a good night’s sleep. He has provided for His people the pleasure of a peaceful rest. Oh, don’t think that all believers will have blissful slumber. We all struggle with sleepless nights. But the situation is not because the solution isn’t accessible. God promises to give “His beloved sleep”, but His beloved must believe He will give it and by faith receive it. A good night’s sleep awaits the godly.


Christians sleep soundly when they believe in the security of their Savior. We are told that we should cast all our anxieties on the Lord (1 Pet 5:7). Worry over provisions, Anxiety about protection, trouble from our toil and the problems of parenting can all generate fear and frustration. These can weigh so heavily upon us that we lay awake through the night dwelling on them. They can cause us to doubt God’s promise of sleep. But God’s provision of sleep for His saints is not predicated on the problems of the saints. There is no crisis or concern too catastrophic that God can’t provide peaceful rest. We need to believe what He said He would do and trust in Him to do it.


Consider two examples from scripture. First, recall how Jesus slept in the boat tossed by a terrible storm (Mark 4:38). The storm was so horrific that it caused seasoned sailors to fear. Yet, Jesus slept soundly through the storm not because He trusted in the ship or the sailors, but He trusted in the one who stills the storms and “gives his beloved sleep”. Second, remember the story of Peter when he was imprisoned and awaiting execution the following day. He didn’t have a restless night of no sleep, but rested well falling fast asleep (Acts 12:6-7). His posture was not one of fear of the gravity of his situation, but of faith in the one who “gives his beloved sleep”.


Today thank God for His gift of sleep. Ask Him to help you to trust Him to apply His promised rest when your night is restless. Thank Him that you don’t have to let fret, fear and frustration keep you from sleeping. Ask Him to lead you to take hold of His gift and get a great night’s sleep. Struggling saint, rest well in your Redeemer’s care.

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