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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Today's Bible Reading: EZEKIEL 40:38-43:27


Ezekiel 43:27

And when they have completed these days, then from the eighth day onward the priests shall offer on the altar your burnt offerings and your peace offerings, and I will accept you, declares the Lord GOD.”


The people of Israel had been living in exile for twenty five years (Ezek 40:1). They had settled in and had no idea what the future held for them. They had left behind their beloved temple, which was now in shambles. Their mode and method of worship fno longer existed. The glory of the Lord had left the glorious house that was built for Him. They probably were wondering if they would ever return and be accepted into His presence again. It is in their uncertainty that the Lord unravels the mystery of what awaits them.


Ezekiel is taken away in a vision to Jerusalem. There he is instructed in the intricate details of the rebuilding, refurbishing and rededicating the temple. He was to relay this information to the people that their hope of returning to their home and restoring their temple worship might be revived. In addition Ezekiel was to communicate to them that they were to be accepted again.


We all want acceptance. We want to be accepted by our family, friends and coworkers. We want to know that we are recognized and received by them. We want to be within their inner imitate circle of relationship. We want to know that whatever would cause a rift between us has been resolved. We want to be welcomed in.


But here Ezekiel speaks not of an earthly acceptance, but a heavenly one. He speaks of peace with God. It is what the people want and need most. It is what they long for in the deeps of their soul. They had been sent away in exile seemingly abandoned by the Almighty, and now they are assured of His acceptance. This is what we search for and seek after as well. We may not recognize the need, but it is there. It tugs at us. It may seem to be allusive, it might seem unattainable, but it is not.


Sin separates all of us from God. Sacrifice is what brings peace with God. Yet the sacrifice is not what we can give, but what is given for us. What we could do or give is tainted with sin. It is covered with iniquity. Any offering of our self is unacceptable. Our sin has already incurred a penalty of death. So, the unclean cannot make us clean. Only one without sin can bring acceptance. Only one without the curse of death can free us from death’s curse. An acceptable offering must be without sin. Our sin must be placed on the sinless. Their death for ours makes us acceptable before the Lord.


Their acceptance before God was not based on who they were or what they did or didn’t do, but upon the person and the performance of another. So it is for us as well. Here the animal offered is without sin, thus without penalty. It was their suitable substitute. It became their sinless sacrifice. Their penalty was placed on it. It’s death atoning for their sin. An acceptable offering was made making them acceptable to God. Their penalty was paid. Peace with God was secured.


Yet death still was not averted. This was their temporary fix for an eternal problem. It appeased for their present predicament. It wasn’t until one like us came that an eternal solution arose for our sin problem. He experienced the same burdens we bear, yet without failure. Jesus came among us to live a life we could not live and to bear the penalty He did not deserve. He lived for us and died for us. Yet unlike the animal sacrifice which remained dead, He rose from the dead. He paid the penalty for our sin. He conquered death and the grave. He made all those who trust in Him not just acceptable to God in the moment, but for all time and eternity. We are accepted in the beloved. Christ's sacrifice securing our salvation. Because He was our unblemished acceptable sacrifice for our sins, we are now and forever accepted by God.


Today praise God that Jesus is your acceptable sacrifice for your sins. Thank Him that because of what He has done you are accepted by God. You are welcomed by Him. Rejoice that when you were outside of favor with God because of sin, Jesus placed you forever in His favor. Praise Him that He eternally accepts you.

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