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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: Jul 23



Today's Bible Reading: ISAIAH 40:1-44:5


Isaiah 43:1

But now thus says the LORD, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.


There is something about knowing someone’s name. It is something that gives us significance. Reciting a name gives recognition to the hearer. Knowing someone’s name acknowledges them. It makes the relationship with them real and relevant.


Here is a great personal promise for God’s people. It is a prescription to live as a fearless follower. Isaiah begins his words of encouragement by speaking of God’s role as our creator, the one who formed us. He reminds us that we were made by Him and for Him. As a result our existence is dependent on Him. Our trust is only in Him. Our hope rests solely in Him.


He then gives us three reasons to walk in faith rather than in fear. Faith overrides our fear when we realize that we are redeemed by Him, we are recognized by Him and we are in a relationship with Him. These affirmations should bring great hope in our affection and help us find strength for our struggles. It should produce peace in the midst of our problems. It is affirming these three truths that help us walk through the disillusionment and despair that comes from our difficulties.


He has redeemed me. He is the one that saw my distress and came to my aid. He didn’t question how I got there or why I was there, He just came. My heavenly first responder didn’t let me remain in my dilemma, but He delivered me. He helped me when I couldn’t help myself. I need not fear because He came to my rescue again and again and He will do it again.


He calls me by name. He knows my name. He remembers me. He recognizes me. I’m not a number or a nobody to Him. He has written my specific name in the Lamb’s book of Life (Rev 13:8). He knows who I am and what I am about. The great I Am knows who I am. I don’t need to fear because He knows me and He gets me.


He claims me as His own. I have significance to Him. My life is not meaningless or a mistake. He has a plan and a purpose for my life. I am His, so regardless of whether I am accepted by others; I am always accepted by Him. He loves me. He chose me. He cares about me. So I can turn to Him and I can trust Him because I am His. Our relationship with Him is personal and He takes it personally when someone strives against us. He has delivered us and will defend us. He has bought us and will battle for us. It is in this we find faith to oust fear. My faith is the one who has made me His, so I need not fear whatever I face. I am His.


Today rejoice in the three truths found in our text. You are rescued by Him, recognized by Him and in a relationship with Him. Let these three things settle into your soul so that when strife and struggle arise in your life, you can draw upon them to settle you in Him. Let your faith in the fact that He is for you and stands with you dispel any fear that arises.

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Jodi Cox
Jul 23, 2023

My favorite.

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