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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Word Kept

Updated: Feb 28

Today’s Bible Reading: NUMBERS 19:1-21:35


Numbers 23:19

God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?  


We live in a world of broken promises. Minds change. Commitments don’t last. Vows vacillate. Trust is violated. A word spoken is not always a word kept.


No wonder it is difficult to take God at His word. It is hard to believe that what He says He will do. It is challenging to trust that what He has spoken we will see it happen. With so much mistrust, it’s hard to trust. But God is not a man. He doesn’t act like men act. He is distinct and different than us. Men lie, God doesn’t. Men change, God doesn’t. Men fluctuate, God doesn’t.


God made a promise to bless Israel. His covenant was certain. His pledge was not contingent on their actions. They were faithless, yet he remained faithful. They were untrusting. He stayed trustworthy. The Lord’s commitment was not cancelled by the decisions of others.


Balaam sought to curse what God had blessed. His prophecies didn’t prevail. His oracle was overridden. Rather than curse, he blessed. He could not reverse what God commanded.


We might find it hard to trust God’s words and to hold to His promises. Adversity, strife, despair, and disillusionment drive doubt between truth and trust. Mistrust in the past leads us to mistrust in the present. The insincerity of others leads to insecurity with God. But unlike others, God’s words are true. His word is His bond. He carries out what He commits to do.


Though your night may be dark and your day dismal, His word remains true. Look to His word. Listen for Him to speak. Lay hold of what He says. Trust Him to do it. For Him, a word spoken is a word kept.


Today as you read God’s word, look for texts to trust. Find those gems of scripture that strengthen your resolve and help you stay on course. Plant these precious promises in the recesses of your memory, so you can count on them in times of crisis and through tough trials. Ask the Lord to help you hold on to His word when worldly worries overwhelm you. Thank Him that His word spoken is His word kept. Count on it and live by it.

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