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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


October 16th

Today's Bible Reading


Luke 12:6-7

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.

We put value on many things. The value is determined by many facts, age, accessibility or affinity. We also devalue. We deem some things worthless. We regard them of little or no value. Often our assessments are assigned to individuals as well as items. We place value on people. In making these valuations we often take into consideration societal stigmas that shift like the seasons. We build them up one day and belittled them the next. We assess them by performance, prejudice and personal preference. Their standing is jeopardized by our judgements. We assign value on a whim. Many are forever affected by our ranking.

But our Savior sees different. What the world may ridicule He relishes. What they deem worthless He finds worthy. What they disregard He delights in. What they reject He regards.

Our text reminds us that a sparrow is of little value. For the most part they are worthless and disregarded in the world’s economy. Yet God knows each one. Not one is discarded or diminished. Each individual one is valued. Not one is forsaken or forgotten. Their life is meaningful. It is significant in the eyes of our Savior.

Fear may follow those forsaken by others. Dread may dominate those deemed valueless in a value driven world. Anxiety may attack those who feel insignificance, unacceptable and who have been cancelled by their culture. They are frustrated by a future that has been destroyed. They find their hopes dashed and their reputation ruined. Being defeated and dejected fear ensues. They find themselves unforgiven in an unforgiving world.

Yet for them a glimmer of hope emerges. They need not fear. A light shines in their darkness. Sin, self, Satan and society may have placed them there, but the Savior pulls them out. He assigns us value. He ascribes us worthy. He attaches significance to us. He says, “You are of more value”. You are valued. You are meaningful. Society’s assessment pales in comparison to that of our Savior. He dismantles their devaluing. He brings value to those who are found to have no value. In Him we find our worth.

Today run your fingers through your hair. The hair that you touched is so valued to the Lord that He has numbered each one of them. You are more valuable than that. Now consider the birds that inhabit your sky, they are of little value to most of us, but they are of extreme value to God. You are even more valuable than them. Ask the Lord to help you remember that what the world may deem of no value, He values. You are valued.

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