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Value of Vows

Updated: Feb 28

Today’s Bible Reading: NUMBERS 30:1-31:54

Numbers 30:2

If a man vows a vow to the LORD, or swears an oath to bind himself by a pledge, he shall not break his word. He shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth. -


We all tell God we will do something but don’t. All of us have declared we will start doing something but never do. Every one of us has promised to quit doing something but never have. Our pattern with promises is to start and stop or to stop and start. We violate our vows. We cease our commitments. God must have known our fickleness. He must be aware of our tendency not to follow through. So, He admonished His followers to persist in fulfilling what they promised.


Vows are voluntary promises to do or not do something. They can be made to men (including ourselves) or to God. In our text the discussion focuses on spiritual vows that are made to God. These vows are to be taken seriously as they involve the trustworthiness and faithfulness to God, as well as our commitment to Him. To fail to complete one’s pledge makes them and their Lord look foolish and God “has no pleasure in fools” (Ecc.. 5:4). That is why we are told, “It is better that you should not vow than that you should vow and not pay” (Ecc. 5:5).


There are basically two types of vows, ones that are negative and ones that are positive. The positive one involves an obligation to do something. The negative one involves refraining from doing something. Both are voluntary as stated in the text, “if a man vows”. Thus, the decision to make a vow and the type of vow to make is left entirely in the hands of the one making the vow.


Those making a vow are encouraged to persevere in their completion of it. The one who makes them is told, “he shall not break his word.” He is advised not to renege on what he has resolved to achieve. Our word is to be honored. What we strive to do we should seek to accomplish. But it’s hard. We have tried but failed before. We have committed but ceased in the past. We want to. We know we need to. But we just can’t seem to keep our commitments.


So here we find not only a call to commitment, but of word of caution. We don’t want to make hasty unfounded and unwarranted commitments that we have no intention of completing. We must approach vows and binding pledges only after extensive consideration. We must not rush into them. We must weigh carefully what we will adhere to or abstain from before we obligate ourselves to do it. We don’t want to put our hand to the plow and turn back. We don’t want to start to build a tower and not complete it. The cost is too great. The commitment is to steep. The completion is sacred. We must not violate what we vowed to do.


Seeing that we often fail in fulfilling our vows, we wonder if we should even make them at all. But there is value in vows. They aid in our sanctification by empowering and enabling us to focus on crucifying the flesh. They cultivate the soul by constraining sin. They develop discipline and direct discipleship. They foster faithfulness. They renew resolve. They awaken our soul by arresting sin. They solidify sanctification. They test us and try our resilience. They teach us to be dedicated to and dependent upon the Lord. They bring us closer to God by removing hindrances to holiness.


Sure, we will fail. We will miss the mark more often than we will hit it. Yet we have a helper, His Holy Spirit to strengthen us in our quest. He will hold us up when we don’t want to go on. As Zechariah affirmed it is “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts”. (Zech 4:6) so, we must not give in or give up in our efforts, knowing the product is worth the pursuit.


Today carefully weigh your practice of making vows to the Lord. Look at how you establish and execute your vows. Consider things that you need to put aside or put into practice to perfect holiness in your life. Contemplate making a vow regarding your need. Ask the Lord to enable you to complete it. Make it and keep it.

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