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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Simply Sow

October 5th

Today's Bible Reading

Simply Sow Mark 4:14 The sower sows the word. For many believers sharing the gospel is a scary proposition. Fear arises when we are challenged to share our faith. Anxiety assaults us as we anticipate a gospel encounter. So many thoughts and doubts attack our mind at the idea of evangelism. The weight of a good presentation overwhelmed us. The thought of saying the wrong thing halts us. Our lack of Biblical knowledge stalls us. We cower rather then have the conversation. But our text helps us forsake our fears of sharing our faith. It states that the responsibility of the saint is to simply sow the word. This then is the fundamental task of a follower of Jesus. We are to simply sow. Yes we are to love all. We are to be kind, generous and gracious to everyone. We are to show mercy and to care for the destitute, dying, diseased, depressed, detached and depraved. That’s the Christian response. But in all of this, we are to simply sow. We are to love them and lead them to Jesus. We are to show and share the gospel with them. We are to sow the word. This one thought should alleviate our anxieties and eradicate our insecurities when it comes to communicating the gospel. God is not looking for those who can make a great speech or are Biblical scholars, but those who will simply sow what they know. Jesus tells the parable of the sower. It is an analogy of a believer sharing. He discusses multiple scenarios. There are similar threads in each one. First, a sower sows. Second, the same seed, the word, the gospel, is scattered. Third, the seed lands on the soil, they all hear the gospel. Fourth, there is an effect on the seed. They all response to the word sown, some positive and some negative. Some bore fruit while others remained fruitless. Notice that the sole responsibility of the sower is to simply sow. They are to scatter the seed. They are to share the gospel. The sower is not responsible for the receptiveness of the soil or its response to the seed. He is not held accountable for the results. He simply sows. He doesn’t discriminate. He sows on hardened soil, shallow soil, thorny soil and fertile soil. He simply sows. Wherever he goes he scatters seed. He shares the word. He continues till the entire field is cover. He proceeds till every speck of soil is seeded. He sows till the gospel is spread over all the earth. This is encouraging for frustrated followers. It is reassuring for those who attempt to share the gospel with unresponsive recipients and for those who have again and again scattering the seed of the gospel among hardened, shallow and thorny souls. It gives hope for those who often find that much of what they sow is stolen away, scorched or choked out. But, their discouragement in bearing no fruit shouldn’t deter them. That is why we must be reminded that we are commissioned to be faithful sowers regardless of the fruitfulness of the soil. So, we can rejoice in fruitfulness, but must be resilient in fruitlessness. We are called only to simply sow. So, take heart. We are commissioned to cast seeds not cause growth. So, simply sow. Let the seed fall where it may, simply sow. Hope for results as you herald the gospel, simply sow. Whether you are fruitful or fruitless, simply sow. Ours is to share the gospel, sow the seed, in the power of the Holy Spirit and leave the results to God. Simply sow.

Today, thank the Lord that someone has sown the gospel in your life. Pray that you might not fret about your fruitfulness in sharing you faith, but trust God for the outcome. Ask the Lord to help you not fear sharing the gospel. Ask Him to help you simply sow.

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