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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Silent Saints

October 23rd

Today's Bible Reading

Silent saints

Luke 19:40

He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.”

Don’t let stones do what saints should do. Those of us who have experience salvation should share the good news of the gospel openly and freely with all. The proclamation of the gospel should be paramount in our daily walk. We shouldn’t be silent saints.

Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. He is greeted by a robust crowd. He is met with resounding declarations by His disciples. They didn’t hold back, shouting Hosannas to their king. Their enthusiasm electrifies the city. Yet there were those who demanded silence. They tried to suppress their shouts and to censor their cries.

Jesus responded that stones would speak if the saints were silenced. The stones would do what people wouldn’t. The people proclaimed Him. They confessed Christ. The people shouted. The stones stayed silent. Yet now days their seems to a silencing of the saints. Saints that are shut mouth about their Savior. They are silent.

Many factors play a role in their reticence. Their fears overtake them. They claim a lack of knowledge. Their worldliness keeps them quite. They are concerned about being rejected or persecuted if they openly profess Christ. These fears paralyze God’s people keeping them silenced about their Savior. .

It was not so for the crowd cheering Jesus. Fear did not freeze their response. Their passion ignited their proclamation. Their joy was expressed in their jubilation. Their shouts couldn’t be suppressed. They openly professed Christ. They did not hesitate to identify themselves with Him. They freely acknowledged His kingship. They were unrestrained, unabashed, and undeterred in their declaration of their Lord. They publicly pronounced His praise.

Their example is our encouragement. His redemptive work in us should lead us to share Him. It should cause us to delight to declare His praise not just in church, but in the community. It should compel us to proclaim Him not just in private, but publicly. It should lead us to speak up about Him not by cowering in fear, but by communicating in faith. Our relationship to Christ should lead us to share Him, so the stones don’t have to.

Today speak up about Jesus. Don’t let your fears frustrate you, just share Him. He has delivered you and He delights in you declaring Him. Ask the Lord to help you not be silent, but speak out about Him. Don’t let the stones do what God has called you to do.

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