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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Just Pray

Updated: Oct 20, 2023

October 8th

Today's Bible Reading

Matthew 9:37-38

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; [38] therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

A plentiful harvest is the hope of every hard working farmer. His busyness culminates in the bounty. His work is rewarded.

Jesus acknowledges that the harvest of souls is plentiful. Yet there is a hindrance that halts the harvest. It is the lack of laborers. The limited number of sharing saints stalls its success. We need more workers to witness. A bountiful harvest is brought about by bold believers. The harvest is not in question, but the hands for the harvest. It is laborers in the fields. It is saints sharing their Savior.

Many excuses emerge as to why believers don’t enter the harvest. “I don’t know enough.” “I’m afraid.” “I don’t want to offend anyone.” “They might not listen.” “I don’t feel confident.” “They might reject me.” “I don’t know what to say.” “I don’t have any non-Christian friends.” “I still struggle with my own sin.” All of these and more keep believers from sharing.

But It’s not what you know but who you know. If you know Jesus you know enough to tell your story. Like the previous devotional the demoniac know that he was delivered and that was enough to declare his deliverer. That’s why Jesus told him to go home and tell. If you have a testimony, you can tell. The gospel is suppress the harvest halted by silent, still saints.

Jesus presents a solution for excuse laden believers. He has a plan for these hindered harvesters, Just PRAY. He pleads for us to pray. He compels us to earnestly beech the Father to send forth laborers into His harvest. He calls us to beckon Him to arouse believers. He tells us to ask Him to move them from fear to faithfulness, from obstacles to obedience, from prohibition to proclamation and from hindrance to harvest.

We are to PRAY. Here is our hope for the harvest. Prayer brings change. As we plead for harvesters, it changes us. When we honestly bring our concerns before the courts of heaven and when we set our fears and frustrations before him, there is a sense of refocus that occurs in us as we sit with the Almighty.

Coming into His presence renews us. It revives in us His compassionate concern for the lost. It stirs in us His calling of us. It eradicates excuses. It empowers us. It enables us. We emerge harvesters. Now we step out in faith not fear. We have confidence rather than constant. Prayer produces proclaimers.

Whether you are faithfully harvesting or have forsaken the harvest, the answer is the same. It is to PRAY. Praying for harvesters maintains those engaged and mobilized others to enter.

Jesus calls us to pray. He desires that we praise Him for a plentiful harvest and plead with Him to send more into His harvest. So participate in the harvest and pray for others to join you.

Today Just Pray. Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into His Harvest. Ask Him to send you.

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