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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


October 20th

Today's Bible Reading


Luke 18:1

And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.

It is easy to lose heart in prayer. It is difficult to remain persistent in our petitions. It is a challenge to persist patiently in prayer. It’s hard to be hopeful. When we don’t see immediate effects of our intercession, we can lose heart. When we look for an answer and can’t see it, we can lose heart. When we wonder if He hears, we can lose heart.

Yet in all our uncertainty we are encouraged to enter in. We are admonished to always pray. In joy, we should pray. In sorrow, we must pray. In heartache, we need to pray. In happiness, we ought to pray. In trials, we have to pray. In triumph, we ought to pray. We should always pray. He is accessible to all. All should always pray. Any time, any place, you should always pray. About all things, you need to always pray. Heaven hears. Always pray. It is your ought of opportunity to pray. The throne room is open. An audience with the almighty awaits you. You ought to always pray and not lose heart.

Jesus tells a parable to illustrate persistent petition. A woman of faith continually comes before a faithless judge pleading her case. The judge initially dismisses her request. Yet she persists. She continually pleads her case. She constantly comes. She is determined. She is unwilling to quit. She wears upon him. Bothered by her persistent plea, he responds. He grants her request.

Here is a lesson for weary prayer warriors. The Lord listens. He hears. All that you cry out come before Him. He is not deaf or indifferent to your pleas. He is not like the unjust judge who has to be bothered to respond. He responds to your requests. We need not lose heart, because He hears. He pays attention to your every petition.

The reply may be delayed, but God’s delay is not God’s disregard. If He holds back answering your petition it’s because He has something better for you. He has something that you can’t see. He is working to produce patience in your prayer life. He is teaching you to persevere in our petition. We are not to place unwarranted time constraints on our prayers. God always answers on time and in His time. So don’t lose heart. Don’t give up. Always pray. Always persist in prayer. Keep calling on Him. Your father hears. Your answer will come. Watch for it. Wait for it. It’s on its way.

Today persist in prayer. Keep on petitioning the Lord with your plea. Thank Him that He hears. Thank Him that He answers. Ask Him to help you patiently and persistently wait for Him to answer your petition. Trust in His timing. Watch for it and wait for it. It will come.

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