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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


October 27th

Today's Bible Reading


Luke 21:13 This will be your opportunity to bear witness.

We all have opportunities. We all experience times of decisions. We all find circumstances that can be favorable. We encounter occasions where we can act. The question is will we take advantage of the opening. Will we seize the opportunity.

Jesus is dialoguing with his disciples concerning future events. He is instructing them about what to expect. He is encouraging them to avoid deception. He is admonishing them to remain faithful. He warns them of impending persecution. He tells them of the tribulation they will encounter for His names sake. He speaks of the time when they will face hatred, arrest, beatings and possibly death.

Their profession was evident. Their path was uncertain. He challenges them to let these impending occurrences of persecution be openings for the gospel. He assures them that the Holy Spirit will stand with them and speak trough them. He encouraged them to capture these moments to communicate the gospel. He says when imprisoned they should proclaim Him, when beaten they should bear witness, and when shackled they should share Him. Standing amidst those who would strike them down they are to speak of their savior. The are called to tell their testimony. They are admonished to boldly share.

What a truth for us today. Occasion always arise for a gospel presentation. There are daily occasions to witness. Our daily path intersecting those who need to hear the gospel. These divine encounters offer us an opportunity to share. These are moments where we can make known the gospel. They are terrific times to testify. We can not and must not let them slip by.

For many of us, unlike the apostles, our persecution is not physical. Our attacks tend to be mental and verbal. Our minds dismissing our desire to dialogue about the gospel. Society silences us. Culture constrains our communication about Christ. The horde hampers us.

Yet like the apostles, opportunities do occur. Situations arise when we can share. Possibles present themselves. Each interaction can open a door to a spiritual conversation. Every dialogue can become a divine appointment. We need only listen and look for them. We need to seek to lay hold of them. We need to let the Spirit speak. Occasions will arise, but will we rise to the occasion. As Jesus said, “This will be your opportunity to bear witness.” Take it and testify.

Today look for opportunities to open the conversation to the gospel. Ask the Lord to lead your dialogues into a divine discussion. Ask Him to endow you with the power of His Spirit as you share the gospel. Take time to testify of Him today.

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