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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Now I See

October 17th

Today's Bible Reading

Now I See

John 9:25

He answered, “Whether he is a sinner I do not know. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.”

There is something about seeing clearly. It is great when the fog lifts and we can see what is set before us. It is amazing when we discover that the hidden has now been revealed. Clarity clears up the cloudy.

Jesus encounters a man who was born blind. He had been unable to see all that was before him. He couldn’t behold the beauty in front of him. Jesus comes to him and offers healing and sight. He did what Jesus commanded. He was healed. He could see.

Many doubted his transformation. They tested the validity of his claim. They called the miracle into question. They confronted him. Neighbors, religious leaders and others quizzed him. They challenged him and the authority of the one who healed him.

Not versed in theology, he answered them with what he knew. He was unaware of even the simplest things about Jesus, yet he response to their inquisition. He answered, “Whether he is . . . I don’t know. One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see.”

He couldn’t talk theology, but he could tell his testimony. It was not so much what he knew about Jesus, but what he had experienced by Jesus. He responded, I don’t know, but I know. The evidence of his change, his sight, validated the expression of his change, his statement. He shared his testimony of transformation.

We are like this man, born spiritually blind from birth. We are sightless to spiritual things. We are inherently blinded to the truth of the gospel. We need one who can give us sight. We need someone to bring light to our darkness. We need the Spirit to open our eyes to see the beauty of Christ. Like this blind man, we need the Savior to pass by. We need Him to bring sight to our blindness.

Then like him, we can proclaim Him. We can tell our story of His touch. We can testify. We may not know everything about Him, but one thing we do know is that we were blind and now we see. This is the story of every saint. It is our testimony of transformation too. We were and now we are. Sightless and now we are sighted. We have come out of the darkness into His marvelous life. We were lost and now we are found. We were dead and now we are


This is what we need to declare. This is what we must broadcast. To a blind world we need to testify of His light. We need to tell our story of His salvation. May we ever proclaim and never forget, I once was blind, but now I see.

Today rejoice that when you were blind the Savior passed by. Praise Him that you were blind and now you see the truth of the gospel. Ask Him to help you to tell every your testimony of your transformation.

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