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Nothing Left Undone

Updated: Mar 25

Nothing Left Undone


Today’s Bible Reading: JOSHUA 10:1-12:6


Joshua 11:15

Just as the LORD had commanded Moses his servant, so Moses commanded Joshua, and so Joshua did. He left nothing undone of all that the LORD had commanded Moses.


Our lives are littered with lingering projects. We have a host of unfinished tasks. We leave things undone. We leave them incomplete. We start something but don’t finish it. We begin but then we bail. Our desire dwindles and our determination gets detoured so we leave things undone. Our priorities change and other things take precedence. Life happens and things get left undone.


The Lord gave Moses a task. He was to lead the Israelites to drive out the inhabitants dwelling in their Promised Land. The completion of the task was passed on to Joshua. It was his commission to conquer the land. It was his appointment to allocate the inheritance. He answered the call. He followed through with his commitment. He was strong and courageous (Josh 1:7). He did not turn to the right or the left in his focused resolve. Through difficulty and defeat he marched on. In disillusionment and despair he moved forward. He turned to God’s power. He trusted in God’s promises. He prevailed.


His was a clear vision that led to a concise victory. He recognized his responsibility, realized his restrictions and relied on his resource. It was The Lord who called him. It was the Lord who commanded him. It was the Lord who came alongside him. It was His God who conquered through him. The Lord’s assurance led to his advancement. Confidence in the Lord led him to complete the task. He left nothing undone.


Undone tasks typically occur when there is unbelief. Left projects are often caused by lack of faith. Joshua believed God’s word. He placed his faith in His promises. With His presence, he proceeded. In His power, he prevailed. His dedication drove his determination. Nothing was left undone.


Like Joshua, we have been left with an unfinished task. Jesus commissioned His followers to go and make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:18-20). He has called all His followers to proclaim His gospel to all the world. The task remains undone. It has been passed down to us to seek to fulfill His great commission. It is on us to make His name known. We must not and we cannot leave it unfinished. We must trust in the one who called us to complete it. We must not cower in fear, but take courage to do it. We must not, we cannot leave it undone. We must step out in faith, stand in His strength and share His story. Our trust must be in His Spirit to enable us and empower us to proclaim the gospel. We must go and make disciples. We must finish the task. We can leave nothing undone.


Today pray for the nations to know the Lord. Ask the Lord to help you to find ways to pray for and participate in this global unfinished tasked. Plead with Him to position His people globally to proclaim the gospel throughout the world. Commit to leave nothing undone in the fulfillment of His great commission. Ask the Lord to empower and enable you and all believers to make His name known among every tribe, tongue and nation. Ask Him to leave nothing undone. Ask Him help you finish the task.

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