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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Neither Do I

October 14

Neither Do I

John 8:11

She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.”

We all get caught. It doesn’t matter what we do or where we do it. Eventually, we will be caught. What we have done in seclusion will be seen. None of us wants to be exposed. Yet it happens. Our faults will be found out. Our sins will be brought to light.

Jesus encounters a women caught in the very act of adultery. Partially clothed, she is hurled at the feet of Jesus. Condemned by her accusers, justice is demanded. Stones are readied. Caught, she must pay.

Jesus responses. First to those who condemn her. He confronts their sinfulness. “Let you who are without sin cast the first stone at her.” He cast them upon the same soil where they cast the women. They are guilty as they had charged her. Their conscience convicted them and their sins condemned them. They dropped their stones and leave. Rather then repent, they ran. They flee from rather than fall at the feet of Jesus. They left in their condemnation.

They ran, but she stayed. Accused, embarrassed, exposed, and afraid, she remained prostrate at his feet. Uncertain whether she would be stoned or saved, she waited. Then Jesus addresses her. Not with condemnation but with compassion. He manifested mercy. He treated her like treasure not trash. He offered her hope. He pardoned her rather than punished her. He didn’t disregard her sins but died for them. He took upon himself her sin. He paid her penalty by his pain. He carried her condemnation to his cross. He forgives her. He restored her. He reinstates her. Brought to him in sin, she walks away forgiven from sin. Coming condemned she leaves cleansed. Her sins they were many His mercy was more.

We are not unlike her. Saints can easily spotlight our sins. They can shine the light of scrutiny on our shortcomings. They can focus on our failures and manifest our mistakes. Their stones can easily be raised against us. Their response can be ridicule. Their conclusion could be condemnation. We can find that like her, they can exclude us from mercy, and demand judgement. But also like her, we can see that Jesus responses differently. His are eyes of compassion not condemnation. His is a view of mercy from mount Calvary. His is a view of grace from an empty grave. Instead of condemnation, He says "neither do I". By Him we can walk away from our sins forever. In Him we can find forgiveness and a fresh start.

Today do not be disheartened by those who would throw stones at you because of your sin. Relish instead the one who took you sin upon himself. Praise the Lord for the Savior of your sins who says to you, "Neither do I".

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