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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Jesus Wept

October 19th

Today's Bible Reading

Jesus Wept

John 11:35 Jesus wept

We all have moments where our emotions overtake us. We weep. Sometimes it is because of great joy. At others times it is because of great sorrow. Yet we all have these moments.

Jesus attended a funeral of a friend. Lazarus had died. His sisters were distraught. They were devastated by their loss. Grief had grabbed them. Jesus came. He came to comfort and console. He entered into their adversity. He grieved with them. He wept.

Standing face to face with the great enemy death, He was deeply moved. He was greatly troubled. The sting of death had stung. Its power had taken His friend. He was indignant toward its effect. The power of sin and Satan had prevailed. Even though He would triumph over it in the resuscitation of Lazarus, He was troubled. Yet He wept. Tender tears welled up in His eyes of concern and care. He showed His sensitive to their suffering.

Here is help in our heartache. His response to them is His respond to us. He was not callous or cold to our condition. But a compassionate Christ. A caring Christ. A concerned Christ. Like He did with them, He sympathizes with our sorrow. He stands with us in our struggle, as He stood with them in theirs. He is present in our pain. He is our sympathetic Savior for our struggling soul. He is our help in times of hurt. He weeps with those who weep. He walks with the weary.

Even though this is the shortest verse in the Bible it is the most profound. Jesus wept. Engulfed in our emotion, He weeps. Sensitive to our suffering, He weeps. Caring and concerned for us, He weeps. Hurting when we hurt, He weeps. Standing with us in our struggle, He weeps. Jesus wept and He weeps with us in all of our heartache and hurt. Jesus wept and we rejoice in this expression of His tender love for us.

Today be thankful that Jesus wept. Thank Him for the depth of His compassion and concern for you. Praise Him that no matter what you struggle with, He stands with you in and through your struggle. Be grateful that Jesus wept.

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