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October 21st

Today's Bible Reading


Mark 10:9

"What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”

A marital commitment is to be inseparable. It is to be one man and one woman for one life time. It is designed by God to illuminate the eternal unbreakable covenant that exists between us and Him through a saving relationship with Jesus. Marriage is more than love. It is greater than commitment. It is beyond feelings. It is above individual happiness. It is a continual covenantal relationship between a man and a woman for the glory of God. It is an indestructible bond between two people. It is two people that have dethroned their individualism to be intertwined as one. They have unified as a unit. It is the two becoming one. It is me becoming we.

The sovereign hand of God worked to construct its design and coordinate the movement of the man and the woman into their marriage union. It is God’s plan in play. He brings them together. He binds them together. He moves all the pieces in place. He motivates their movements. He instigates the interactions. He brings them together as one in marriage. God joins them together. It is His plan for His purpose.

But marriage is not without its difficulties. No marriage is perfect. Problems will arise. Disagreements can destroy it. Distractions can divide it. Disillusionment can devastate it. Societal shifts seek to supplant the sanctity of marriage. Man’s ways place wedges that work against the wedded. This can cause riffs that can easily split up what God has sanctioned. Marriage takes work. It is two sinners struggling to survive and thrive as a couple. It is couple striving to solidly a lasting relationship. It is them seeking to disavow anything that would deconstruct their vows. It is them working hard to remodel their “me” to emerge as “we”. They are one in purpose, one in decisions, one in direction, and one in flesh.

It’s not easy. Man’s dissatisfaction can lead to dissolving what God designed. Man’s delights can destroy what God has developed. Don’t let men dismantle marriage. Don’t allow divorce to be a decision. Don’t permit anyone or anything to jeopardize what God has joined together. Pursue the Lord together. It is the process of building a healthy and a happy marriage through Him. And when needed find help together. Lasting marriages are possible. Ultimately it takes the same sovereign hand that joined it together to keep it together. Turn to Him. Trust Him. Marriage can work out when we let Him work in it. It has for me and my wife for forty two exhilarating, enthusiastic, exhausting, and exciting years. It can for you too.

Today thank God that instituted the marriage union. Thank Him for His plan and purpose for the marriage union to exemplify our eternal unbreakable covenant with Christ. Ask Him to help married couples deep and earnestly seek Him so that their marriage can survive. Ask Him to protect the sanctity and security of marriage. Ask Him to let no man separate what He has joined together. Ask Him to make marriage inseparable.

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