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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

I Wish

Updated: 5 days ago


Luke 6:31

And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.


Do you ever wish that people would treat you nice or at least that they would be kind and considerate? Or have you ever hoped that they would just care for someone else besides themselves. Me too!


It’s not as inconceivable as it seems. It could happen. Even in this self-seeking self-serving society it could legitimately occur. It is not as far-fetched as you might imagine. The answer is simple, just do what Jesus says.


Jesus is addressing His disciples. He is setting forth principles that should characterize those who have radically been transformed by establishing a relationship with Him. He outlines the marks of His followers. He sets forth the signs of Christian character.


At this point He teaches them what is commonly known as the “golden rule”. He tells them to do unto to others as you want them to do unto you. This is a dynamic truth to live by. To experience love we must love. To be served we must serve others. We must understand that kindness breeds kindness, forgiveness produces forgiveness and mercy begets mercy. You must do if you expect it to be done to you.


Unfortunately, the words of Jesus have morphed into, mistreat others in the same way they have mistreated you. Hurt them like they have hurt you. Give them pain for pain and harsh hateful words for their harsh words toward you. Make them feel what you have felt. Reject them like they rejected you. Talk about them like they have talked about you. Give them tit for tat and injury for injury. This is opposite of the savior’s instruction.


But our desire should be to follow the savior, not societal shifts. Ours should be to do good, not evil. Ours should be to seek the best, not the worst. We should build up rather than belittle. As followers of Christ we must be imitators of Christ. It is on us who claim to be Christians to be self-giving rather than self-seeking.


Granted it’s not easy. When mistreated we want to lash out. When slandered we want to speak back. When we are hurt, we want them to feel it. Yet by the power of the Spirit we can do to others what we wish others would do to us. Be what you wish.


Today commit to do what Jesus says. No longer consider His comments as optional obedience, but strive to live like Him. Ask Him to help you follow His “golden rule” especially when harsh words, hurtful remarks and hateful comments are thrown at you. Ask Him to help you, no matter what, to do unto others what you want done to you, even if they don’t do to you what you want done to you. You do different because you are different. Live what you wish.

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