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Hope In Hopeless Times

Writer's picture: drbuddyyoungdrbuddyyoung

365 Journey series

Week 1 Outline

Hope in Hopeless Times 

Rom 4:18 In hope he believed against hope, that he should become the father of many nations, as he had been told, "So shall your offspring be."


From Abram’s struggle to trust God in a hopeless situation we can learn


The Struggle for Hope against hope Gen 15: 2-3 But Abram s5 aid, "O Lord GOD, what will you give me, for I continue childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?" 3 And Abram said, "Behold, you have given me no offspring, and a member of my household will be my heir."


The Source of Hope as he had been told, "So shall your offspring be." Gen 15:4 And behold, the word of the LORD came to him: "This man shall not be your heir; your very own son shall be your heir."


The Securing of Hope In hope he believed Gen 15:6 (Rom 4:22-25) And he believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as righteousness.



The Sustaining of Hope that he should become the father of many nations, Gen 15:5 And he brought him outside and said, "Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them." Then he said to him, "So shall your offspring be." Gen 15:18 On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram . . . .  Rom 4:19-21 He did not weaken in faith . . . 20 No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, 21 fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.  

For further study:


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