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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Firm Foundation

Updated: 4 days ago

Today's Bible Reading: MATTHEW 6:5-7:29; LUKE 6:37-49


Matthew 7:24-25

"Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.


What you build upon matters. A shaky, shifting, sandy foundation will not support what is constructed on it. A solid foundation will support it. Laying the right foundation in life is essential. What you build your life upon is important. Consider well upon what you build.


Jesus contrasts two structures. One is built on a solid foundation and the other on unstable sand. He characterizes the one who builds on the solid foundation as wise and the other foolish. Both are built. Both use the same supplies. Both encounter the same elements. The rain falls, the wind blows, and the floods come. They beat and batter what was built. Each one hopes that their structure would survive and that what was built would pass the test. Yet, one remains and one is ruined. One stands and the other falls. The difference is the footing. The strength of the foundation determined its outcome.


Jesus uses this to illustrate two types of people; the spiritually wise and the spiritually foolish. The wise ones have a solid foundation built upon a personal relationship with Him. It is characterized by obedience to what He says. The foolish ones give no regard to Jesus. They built what seems right for them. The result is a fragile rather than a firm spiritual foundation. One is solid. One is shaky.


Both individuals encounter life’s storm. Problems pelt them. Both are battered. The winds of adversity, the deluge of difficulties and the torrent of life’s troubles beat against them shaking their very foundation. The person who has built their life upon the firm foundation survives. The one who decided to build their life upon a flimsy, foundation fails. A compromised foundation always collapses. It can’t weather life’s storms.


So it’s not just what you build, but what you build upon. Will it stand if shaken? Will it hold? A foundation built upon a unshakable relationship with Jesus is rock solid. It is one that is not shifting and unstable. Be sure of your foundation before you build upon it. Be sure your life is founded on the immovable rock of Christ.


Today rejoice in the firm foundation that we have in Christ, Thank the Lord for the solid rock that you have in Jesus. Ask Him to help you live daily recognizing that no matter what life throws at you that your foundation is secure. Praise Him that no storm can rattle or remove what the Lord is building in your life. Thank Him that He is our indestructible foundation.

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