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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Different Spirit

Updated: Feb 15

Today’s Bible Reading: NUMBERS 14:1-15:41


Numbers 14:24 But my servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit and has followed me fully, I will bring into the land into which he went, and his descendants shall possess it. -


Everyone is either spiritually faithful or faithless. They either follow or forsake the Lord. They either walk in His way or in waywardness. They are either similar to the world or set apart from the world. It is those who have a different spirit that are a delight to the Lord. It is those who fully follow Him that find favor with Him.


Caleb had such a spirit. He was different. He looked at things different and acted differently. He was one who looked to the power of God to solve the problems at hand. He was one that held to the promise of God for the predicaments he faced. He spied out the path before him and found the pitfalls in his way. There were fortified cites and formidable giants that stood against him. Yet his eyes were not on what stood in his way, but who stood with him on his way. The Lord had promised and He would prove Himself faithful.


We too have many dangers that deter our faith. We encounter multiple snares that stall our success. We too find fortressed cities and fierce giants that freeze our faith. But like Caleb, we must have a different spirit. We must trust the one who can tear down cites and topple giants. A different spirit sees what God can do when we can’t. It has faith that marches forward fully following the Lord’s words. It looks beyond the situation to the one who can save us through the situation. It believes the impossible is possible and the undefeatable can be defeated. It holds to what God promised. It is assured that His power will prevail.


A dynamic faith produces a different spirit. It counts what God says as true. It relies in what He has said. It sees what others can’t. It stands when others won’t. It stems from extended time in scripture and supplication. It emerges from encounters with the Savior. It develops from moments of absorbing His teaching and applying them when tested.


A different spirit springs forth as believers rely on the presence and power of the indwelling Holy Spirit to illuminate scripture, empower prayer and enable faith. It is evidenced in those who walk in the Spirit. When you live by the Spirit, you will have a different spirit.


Today examine your “spirit”. Praise God for His Spirit that enables you to have a different spirit. Thank Him that by the power of His Spirit you can be different. Thank Him that in Him you can fully follow Him. Ask Him to help you maintain and manifest a different spirit.

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