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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Cross Dry

Updated: Mar 17

Today’s Bible Reading: JOSHUA 3:1-6:27


 Joshua 4:18

And when the priests bearing the ark of the covenant of the LORD came up from the midst of the Jordan, and the soles of the priests' feet were lifted up on dry ground, the waters of the Jordan returned to their place and overflowed all its banks, as before.


We often encounter obstacles to our advancement. We are halted by obstructions in our way that hinder our progress. Once again, the Israelites were confronted by an impossible situation. Their destination was deterred by a raging river. They were at a hopeless impasse. The roaring river was before them and the Promised Land was beyond them. Like our much too common occurrences, they were detained by their dilemma.


The Lord had promised them the land. Long before they stood on the banks of the Jordan, He had promised them they would possess it. Nothing could stop their arrival and nothing could suppress their access. They wanted to enter the Promised Land, but a flood staged river stood in their path. Their route had been stalled by the river. They couldn’t cross. They observed their reward yet were obstructed by the river. Yet they believed that “God could” even when they couldn’t.


In their perplexity, God’s presence remained. Powerless, His power prevailed. God had gotten them there and God will get them across. He was with them on the way and He stood with them through the way. He came through when they couldn’t get through and He would come through now.


The Priest carried the Ark which was symbolic of God’s presence among them. The priest’s feet touched the water and the river stood up. The priests stood in the water and the river stayed up. The priests stayed in the midst of the river bed till everyone safely crossed. The priest’s feet left the water and the river swept back. The priests were the first ones in and the last ones out.


Here lies great encouragement for us. A truth for when we are trying to overcome an obstacle. A scripture to strength us when we have a snag. The flood waters did not return till the feet of the priest were removed. We have a priest who is present with us. Jesus is our priest. It is by Him that we have safe passage when problems stand in the way of His promises. In our struggle, like the priest at the Jordon, Jesus needs to be the first one in and the last one out. He stands so we could stay safe. He persists so we can prevail. It is His work that ensured our way. By His presence the problem is removed and by His power every obstacle is overcome. Jesus is the one who can touch our troubled waters and turn its turbulence into a trail so we can crossover. Through Him you will find dry ground on your most difficult days.


Everyday hindrances will hamper your progress. Your hope is in His presence and your help is by His power. Like the Israelites, we must follow our priest into the water. So, by faith step into your turbulent waters and watch them recede. His presence will be with you and He will enable you to crossover on dry land. Whatever is holding you back, believe that He can push it back. By faith step in, by faith stride through and by faith you will step out.


Today observe those obstacles that hinder you from moving forward in your faith. Thank God for His presence in bringing His people into the Promised Land. Thank Him that although their river was raging before them, He removed it so they could crossover. Ask Him to help you to trust Him to remove those things that bring your spiritual life to a standstill. Ask Him to touch the turbulent waters of your life and make you a trail to get to the other side. By faith follow His foot into your rough rivers and you will find your way across.

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