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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Calm in the Middle

October 6th

Calm in the Middle

Mark 4:40

He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?”

Life is not always smooth sailing. Stormy seas arise. Often out of nowhere they descend on us, popping up on perfect days. Life’s storms can either substantiate our fears or solidify our faith. The issue is not the storms, but calm in the storm. Storms will come. We need faith in our fear to weather life’s storms.

Jesus told His disciples to get in a boat to go to the other side of the lake. Jesus gets in with them. He falls asleep in the boat. As they sail a storm overtakes them. They are in peril. There was mayhem in the middle of their voyage. They struggle to stay afloat. Jesus sleeps. Trying everything, their efforts fall short. Jesus sleeps. They conclude that their only hope of surviving the storm is to stir their slumber Savior. They awaken Jesus. They plead for help. Jesus stands. Jesus rebukes their storm. The wind and the waves cease. All is calm.

Jesus then turns and confronts His storm soaked disciples. “Where is your faith?”, He asked. A legitimate question under the circumstances. He didn’t ask why seasoned fisherman couldn’t save themselves in the storm, or why they couldn’t struggle harder to survive. No, He asked about their faith not their fortitude. But faith in what? Faith in Him. Faith in His word.

You see, Jesus clearly told them to get in the boat to cross over to the other side. His path was sure. They would cross over. They would end up on the other side. The outcome was obvious. You see, It doesn’t matter what happens in the middle if the master says you’re gonna make it. The outcome is sure when the Savior says it. Perhaps that’s why He slept. Confident of the result, He relaxed. He slept.

The faithlessness of His followers developed from their disregard for His word. Concern for the wind and the waves canceled His words. If Jesus said it, that settles it. Storms cannot stay what He says. His word is true. His plan is sure. Fear comes when we don’t know the outcome. Faith comes when Jesus knows the outcome.

When storms arise fear attacks. But even when storms assail us we can have confidence in His word. We can be assured of the outcome. We can be sure of the results. Our fears are arrested and our faith is activated when we put our trust in His word. His power helps us prevail. His presence guides us in the struggle. His promise produces confidence in our crisis.

Here is a substantial truth for turbulent times. Jesus calms. His power calms the storm. His promise calms us through the storm. His presence calms us in the storm. He brings calm in the middle. He will never lead us where His presence, promises and power won’t follow. So with Jesus in our boat we can smile through the storm.

Today thank Jesus for being with you through life's storms. Ask Him to help you trust Him when the "sea billows" blow and the calm seas turn turbulent. Ask Him to help you hold to His promises, count on His presence and rely on His power to bring calm in the middle of your crisis. Thank Him that when He is in the boat with you, you can smile through life's storms.

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