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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

By The Book

Updated: Mar 17


Joshua 1:8

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. - 


Everyone wants to be successful, to prosper, and to flourish. Many books have been written by affluent people on how to thrive. For some that use these books they produce prosperity, yet for others the formulas they present fail to live up to what is promised.


God has a path for “good success”. He has a plan for prosperity. He has written a book, the Bible. In it one can find strategies for success, principles for prosperity and truths to thrive. They can find in it the formula to flourish and attributes to achieve. In its pages are principles for business, as well as, patterns for behavior. It’s pages set the course for your character and gives you tools for your trade. It is all you need.


Here the Lord gives guidelines to implement for success, laws to live by, and methods from his divine manual. With regard to His book, we are to maximize it, “it shall not depart from your mouth.”; meditate on it, “you shall meditate on it day and night”, and mold our life by it, “you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it.” We are to look into it, linger on it, and live by it. We are to mine its vast resources, digging out the deeps of its riches, dwelling on every principle from its pages and devouring every delicacy found in it. We are to savor every section of it. We are to put into practice every portion of it, that we might conform our character to it. This is accomplished as we give in to every guideline and allow it to direct every aspect of our life. It is not about building a portfolio for life from it, but developing a pattern of living by it.


His assurance is that by adherence to these three principles He “will make your way prosperous” and “you will have good success.” We have to be in His Word to benefit from His Word. We have to get from it to gain from it. Success is by Scripture. Study it. Soak in it. Strive to live by it. Let his Spirit instruct you in His Word. Let Him influence you to walk in His way.


Today as you read His Word, find a portion of the text that you can commit to memory. Dwell on it. Let it mull around in your thoughts throughout the day. Meditate on it. Consider its truth. Contemplate what it teaches. Calculate ways to implement it into your walk. Call on the Lord to help you “carefully do according to all” that it says. Daily thank the Lord for His promise that you will flourish as you faithfully follow His Word, that you will have success by His Book.

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