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The New I

Writer's picture: Dr WD Buddy YoungDr WD Buddy Young

The New I Romans 6:6-7

Death Event 6 our old self was crucified with him

What died? Eph 4:22 the old man Gal 2:20

Defined: your former manner of life Eph 4:17 walking as the Gentiles It is what was discussed and defined in Rom 5:12-17 the Adamic nature, the unregenerate nature, the old nature. The old man doesn’t mean the carnal nature, our moral being previous to our new birth, our flesh with its affections and lust, but the old man- I used to be in Adam (Rom 5:12) The man I used to be in Adam. The man I once was. It is that old man that I can look back upon that I once was in Adam. It is my old humanity, it is not my flesh. It is the old humanity, the man that was born under the law, born in sin, born under condemnation, the man that sinned with Adam and therefore reaped all the consequences of Adam’s sin, the man who was under the wrath and condemnation of God. (Jones)

Described: Eph 4:22 Your old, corrupt self, your unregenerate self. With deceitful desires. Two Greek words for old: archaios, we get “archaic,” meaning “old in point of time.” and Palaios which means “old in point of use.” palaios is used here, meaning old in the sense that it's worn out, useless, fit for the dump, the scrap heap, to be discarded. It's the old man in that sense, the useless man, the unfit man, the man only fit for the scrap heap, the person we were before salvation, doomed, damned, depraved, unregenerate, useless. (Mc Arthur)

Definitive: was crucified – Eph 4:22 Put off seems to be a command, but Rom 6:6 seems to suggest it is a past event. In Eph 4 “to put off,” is in the infinitive rather than the imperative. John Murray calls them “infinitives of result,” He translates it this way: “So that you have put off according to the former manner of life the old man,” so that it is not a command but a statement of fact. Handley Moule, translated it, “You were taught in Christ with regard to the fact that your old man was laid aside.” Martyn Lloyd‑Jones translates it, “Do not go on living as if you were still that old man because that old man has died. Do not go on living as if he was still there Col 3:9-10 also states it is a past action Mc Arthur Be what you are (you did not learn Christ in that way, no longer walk Eph 4 ) You are no longer the old man; therefore do not live like the old man; you are a new man, therefore live like a new man. We are never called to crucify the old man, he is already dead. We are rather called to cease to live as if we were still in Adam. We must realize that the old man is not there. Never again try to get rid of the old man. He is non-existent. Living in new life is not about getting rid of something, but believing something. It is something that we are to believe and receive by faith. It is not an experience that you seek, but a fact that you believe. Jones Rom 4:16-21 Like Abraham on the basis of the Word of God you must believe that you have died with Christ that you are no longer in Adam, but in Christ. Whatever your feelings whatever the devil might suggest, however much the facts may seem to fly in the face of reason, faith sees the promise, hold on to it and believes it. Rom 4:20-22 (Jones) The Heildelburg Catechism stats: The old man is crucified and buried

with Him. That so the corrupt inclinations of the flesh man no more reign over us. The old man is not the flesh, he is not the corrupt nature, the old man is the Adamic nature, the old humanity. The flesh is the body of sin, the body in which sin tends to tyrannize still. (Jones)

Demonstrated Effects: in order that. . . so that

The meaning is ‘in order that, for the purpose of, that it might be to that end

This is the object of the crucifixion, this is the purpose- A double purpose: the body of sin might be destroyed and second that we should no longer serve sin. (Jones)

The ultimate object behind the old man being crucified with Christ is so that the believer might be entirely delivered from sin even in the body where sin exerts its influence. So the object of salvation is to make us conformed to the image of His son (Rom 8: 29) . . . that we might live more and more on earth like Jesus lived in the body while he was incarnate. This of course will not be ultimately so until are bodies have been glorified.

Disannulled 6 in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing

Be brought to nothing Gk Katargeo – compound word: Argeo - to be idle, inactive and Kata along- thus- to render idle, inactivate, inoperative to cause a thing to have no further efficiency- to deprive of force, influence, power; to cause to cease, put an end to, do away with, annul, abolish; to cease, to pass away, be done away; to be severed from, separated from, discharged from, loosed from any one; to terminate all intercourse with one. Paul says that the “body of sin” is rendered ineffective, inert, put out of action. (Rom 7:2) (Jones) The body of sin is deprived of its dominant power, its controlling power (Mc Arthur)

The body of sin

It is another name for the old man – it can’t mean that because it is introducing a new term “the body of sin” This would have forced Paul to say it differently.

It is the great mass of sins- It is whole mass of sins not some particular sins. It is the great mass. It so big and varied in it’s manifestations and the way it deals with us that it is right to compare it to a body and must be destroyed. So the text is trying to show that since we are now under the reign and rule of grace our total connection to sin is to be banished altogether; we are to be delivered entirely from sin, the whole of sin.

It is referring to our body, our physical body of which sin has taken possession. – The body of sin means sin as it dwells in us in our present embodied condition. The text is not referring to the body as such, in and of itself, but he is referring to the body as the sphere in which sin and death sill desire to over power us. (Hinduism and Buddhism the body is evil) The text always refers to the body in the same way throughout Chapters 6-12- ex -6:12, 13 (members), 19, 7:17-18 (in my flesh), 8:10-11, 13, 12:1-2 The body of sin means the same as the term ”the flesh” It doesn’t mean the body in and of itself, but it does mean the body as it is being used and tyrannized over by sin. It means the body as it is allowed it to be overcome by sin in this life.

the body of sin” is best seen as referring to our humanness under the absolute domination and control of sin, as conditioned and controlled by sin. It is, apparently, a genitive of possession. A person's body before salvation is totally and utterly in the possession of the sinful nature. The old man controls the body, the physical body as well as our humanness. Because of our union in Christ's death, the body of the believer is no longer the possession of sin, no longer controlled and conditioned and solely dominated by sin (1 Cor 6:19) your body is not any longer under the domination of sin. It is not any longer conditioned and utterly absolutely controlled by the sin principle, and so you don't want to yield to that because your body is now under the control of the Holy Spirit. Also in Rom 12:1-2;. In our humanness, before we were saved, sin totally dominated, totally controlled us. For believers sin is no longer in control. It no longer is the tyrant. It no longer calls all the shots. It no longer is the sovereign. You no longer are its slave, and that's why it's so stupid to sin – because you don't have to the tyranny is broken Rom 7:18,23; In our humanness, there is the potential for evil and sin. There are instincts. There are bents. There are propensities that become bridgeheads for the attack of the enemy to lead us into sin. The body is the vehicle by which sin manifests itself. And so the unregenerate person, in his humanness, is totally controlled by sin. When you become a Christian that dominant tyranny of sin over the body is broken, and there's a new controlling agent. You have a new monarch. You have a new lord. You have a new master. Sin is no longer the utter absolute controlling factor. Gal 5:24, Rom 7:1-6 the flesh has been killed in terms of its tyranny, in terms of its dominance, not necessarily in terms of its presence. (Mc Arthur)

The position of the Christian is this: They are dead to sin as a realm and reign, they have finished with it, it has nothing to do with them anymore. But though that is their relationship to it, it still has a good deal to do with their body. They are Christians seated in the heavenly places with Him. That is what is true of all believers. They died with him, they were buried with him, and they have risen with him. They have ascended with Him, they are seated with him in the heavenly places. The old man has gone. They are no longer that man. They are a new man in Jesus Christ. That is what is true about them! But though that is true about them, it is not true about their body, their mortal body. Sin is still in their mortal bodies, in their members, having its effect upon their instruments, their members, the parts of the body.(6:13) Sin remains in its influence upon the body. They as beings are spiritual entirely and eternally outside the realm of sin’s influence. (Crossing into the promise land, but certain nations remained as a thorn and snare among them Duet 7:1-16, Ex 23:23-33, Ps 106:34-39,) The body is not yet delivered from the effects of the fall, but believers are delivered. Sin which used to govern their whole personality is now only governing or trying to govern their bodily parts. The body has various portions and parts, Paul calls them members, the instincts and desires Gal 5:24, James 1:14-15. There is nothing sinful in that in and of itself. Jesus in his earthly body had the same human instincts and desires as all of us, if he didn’t he couldn’t have been truly man. Jesus was tempted in all things even as we are (Heb 4:15). And what the devil does is to come to us, and tempts us along the line of our natural instincts, drives, urges and power of our body. There is nothing wrong in the body itself as such, there is nothing wrong with all these instincts! . . . sin still has its power over the body even though the believer is in Christ. The man is delivered but the body is not yet delivered thus we are groaning and longing for the redemption of the body! (Rom 8:23) 8 Appetites God gives us Food Gen 1:29 it shall be for foo, Sex Gen 1:28 be fruitful and multiply, Power Gen 1:26 have dominion over, Pleasure Gen 2:9 it is pleasant to the sight, Work Gen 2:15 to tend and work it, Companionship Gen 2:18 helper suitable, Be with God Gen 3:8 God walking in the garden, Wisdom Gen 3:6 to make one wise

Decisive 6 so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin

He doesn’t say that we should no longer commit acts of sin, but that we should no longer be slaves to sin. The Christian is no longer a slave to sin, but he still often allows it to rule in his body. We will no longer serve sin. It doesn't say we won't sin, but it's not a tyranny anymore. You don't have to sin. So the tyranny of sin is total domination, but in the crucifixion of Christ and our death in Him, the old man dies. The body of sin is rendered inoperative in terms of its tyranny, and henceforth we no longer are under slavery to sin Rom 6:17-18. Mc Arthur It is like there were two fields with a little road in the middle, and all his life, before he knew Christ, he lived in the field over here. Satan was the dominant force in that field, and Satan drove him and dictated to him and told him what to do and his humanness and his flesh and his body was used for sin. And then, by the grace of God he crossed over into the new field. And that field is under the dominion of the Lord Jesus Christ, and it's controlled by righteousness and by holiness, and that is the new ruler and the new monarch. I we seem to have a hard time because we keep hearing Satan across the road yelling orders at us. And though we are not under his dominion, he has a very clever way of making us interested in what he's asking us to do.” There's no real tyranny there, but it comes to us in enticing terms, and often, though it's not necessary to do it, we fall prey to that very thing from which we've been delivered. (Jones)

We are freed from sin's tyranny doesn't mean that we are freed from sin's presence. Sin is still around us, and, as long as our humanness is there, as long as our flesh is there, we're going to have to struggle with that. As long as we can still hear the voice of Satan yelling from the field across the road, and as long as we still have some of those old human bents and propensities, we're going to have some problems. But his point here is that in dying with Christ, sin is no longer reigning, ruling over us. 1 Peter 4:1-2, Rom 7:20 The new “I” doesn’t sin It's not the “new person,” the “new man,” the “new creation.” It is the sin that dwells in me. The new “I” has been freed from sin. The new “I” is a new creation. The new “I” is the marvelous divine nature. It's that sin that's around it, surrounds that new “I”, that humanness that's there that becomes still the bridgehead, but we don't have to sin because the tyranny is broken. (Mc Arthur)

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