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Writer's picture: Dr WD Buddy YoungDr WD Buddy Young

Ephesians 6:11 Battling the Schemes of the Devil

Scripture encourages us to not be ignorant of Satan’s schemes (2 Cor. 2:11) If we’re ignorant of his schemes, the devil will be able to take advantage of us. Satan lures us into sin by portraying it as pleasurable and by hiding its consequences. He uses discouragement, pride, selfishness, loneliness, low self-worth, lust, and many other traps to lure us away from the Lord. To stand firm against the enemy, we must understand his schemes. (Cole) When we know his schemes we can better see how the full armor is needed and appropriated to fight all his schemes. To be forewarned about the nature of his wiles is to be forearmed against them” (Bruce).

The Depletion of the Enemy the devil.

The devil Gk διαβολου diabolos It means diabolical, seperator or slanderer.- It means one who divides or separates relationships through lies and accusations (Randall). He will separate you in your walk with God and your fellowship with Him. The Devil is called by many other names in Scripture as Abaddon, Beelzebub, the Tempter (1 Thess 3:5) , the Deceiver (rev 12:9), A roaring Lion (1 Peter 5:8), the Dragon (Rev 12:3-4), the Evil One (2 Cor 4:4), the Angel of the Bottomless Pit, the Father of Lies (Liar) (Joh 8:44) the Prince of this World (John 12:31, 14:30), the Prince of the Power of the Air (Eph 2:2), Satan (Rev 12:7), Apollyon (Rev 9:11) and the God of this World (1 John 5:19). Although fallen beings, they, like the Angels of Light (2 Cor 11:14), “still excel in strength” (Ps 103:20), and are far “greater in power and might” (2 Pet 2:11) than any of the sons of men. (J. N. Norton, D. D.) Lucifer the greatest angel. He was the anointed cherub, the one who sparkled with all the jewels of heaven, the highest being God ever made (Is 14:12-15, Ezek 28:1-10). This anointed angelic being wanted to be like God and in the sin of pride he was thrown out of heaven (Luke 10:18, Rev 12) So Lucifer this fallen angel, the highest of the angels leads a host of one third of all the angels (literally millions of them) God ever created to become the demonic enemy. This is the devil, Lucifer and his vast host of demon beings are wily, clever, subtle, cunning, invisible, super human and they are our enemy. He is a liar and the father of it. He is a deceiver. His whole system deceives subtly, supernaturally, cleverly, powerfully. (Mac Arthur)

God's Word teaches that the devil...

1) Accuses - Job1:6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; Job 2:1, 2, 3, 4; Zech 3:1; Rev 12:10

2) Afflicts - Job1:12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19; Job 2:6, 7; Luke 13:16; Rev 2:10

3) Conquers - Acts 10:38; Eph 6:16; 2Ti 2:26

4) Deceives - Ge 3:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,13; Jn 8:44; Ac 13:10; 2Co 4:4; 11:13, 14, 15; 2Th 2:9, 10; Rev 2:9; 3:9

5) Hinders - 1Th 2:18

6) Murders - John 8:44

7) Perverts - Acts 13:10; 2Th 2:9, 10

8) Prompts - 1Chr 21:1; John 13:2,27; Acts 5:3

9) Schemes - 2Cor 2:11; Eph 6:11; 1Ti 3:7

10) Stalks - 1Pe 5:8

11) Steals - Mt 13:19; Luke 8:12

13) Threatens - Heb 2:14, 15 (Barber)

The Devices of the Enemy the schemes

The word “schemes” (Gk μεθοδεία methodeia), means to work by method to an orderly, logical, effective arrangement, usually in steps followed to achieve an end. It describes deliberate planning or a systematic approach. It means that which is traced out with “method;” that which is well laid, skillful and cunning. (Barnes) Satan is orderly and logical in his steps employed against you to achieve his nefarious purposes. This realization should prompt each of us to be even more appreciative of the fact that we cannot stand against our invisible enemy in our own intelligence, our own strength or our own human "methods" or "schemes". We must put on the full armor that God supplies in Christ to defeat the tactics the devil employs. He destroys by deceiving, by lying, by distorting, by counterfeiting, by masquerading, by clouding human minds with illusion and fantasy. The majority of attacks of the devil against Christians are not direct but indirect. That is why they are called the "schemes" of the devil. Schemes suggest deviousness or acting in a way that is subtle, secretive, and treacherous (Stedman). "The idea behind methodeia is deception. The devil’s entire system of warfare against us is based on deception. He fights by sudden assault and secret and cunning onslaught." (Murphy) He does not carry on an open warfare. He does not meet the Christian soldier face to face. He advances covertly; makes his approaches in darkness; employs cunning rather than power and seeks rather to delude and betray than to vanquish by mere force. A man who has to contend with a visible enemy, may feel safe if he only prepares to meet him in the open field. But far different is the case if the enemy is invisible; if he steals upon us slyly and stealthily; if he practices war only by ambushes and by surprises. Satan does not openly appear. He approaches us not in repulsive forms, but comes to recommend some plausible doctrine, to lay before us some temptation that shall not immediately repel us. He presents the world in an alluring aspect; invites us to pleasures that seem to be harmless, and leads us in indulgence until we have gone so far that we cannot retreat. (Barnes) He is the bitter enemy of everything good. Hence, all his dealings are directed to one end, to draw us away from God, and to accomplish our ruin (J. N. Norton, D. D.) Satan’s methods are uses to deceive, entrap, enslave, and ruin the souls of men (Clarke) Satan's schemes are nearly always unseen, shrewd, and perfectly tailored to ensnare his victim like a fowler camouflaging his net to trap a bird. "Schemes, wiles and methods" speak of the trickery by which evil and temptation present themselves in our lives. Evil rarely looks evil until it accomplishes its goal. It gains entrance by appearing attractive, desirable, and perfectly legitimate. But to reiterate it is a baited and camouflaged trap like an angel of light. (2 Cor 11:14), (Barber) Satan employs two main devices to draw the believer away: Doubt and Deception.

Doubt- Satan seeks to get the believer to doubt God’s presence, love, forgiveness, goodness, His plan and His word. Satan gets believers to doubt their identity in Christ. He wants us to doubt our salvation, our standing and our security. (Gen 3:1, 1:26-27). He gets believers to doubt the instruction from God. Did God actually say? (Gen 3:1). You shall not surely die (Gen 3:4). He gets believers to doubt the integrity or goodness of God. For God knows that when you eat of it . . . you be like (Gen3:5) Satan wants believers to think that the they are missing out on the joys and the pleasures of this life, that God is holding back something good for them. He wants to lead them to believe there is happiness apart from holiness.

Deception Satan’s main device is deception. (Rev 12:9) Deception is a lie about the true reality of something. It occurs when we believe things are good, but aren’t; when we think something is true, but it isn’t; (Stanley). Satan deceives to oppose God through manipulating man with his lies. At the moment we believe the Devil’s lie, we have stopped believing God and His word. This is Satan’s ultimate goal to destroy the work and the word of God. (Randall). Deception can only be overcome by truth. Spiritual warfare is the encounter of truth in the midst of the lies of the devil (Matt 4:1-4). Thus, freedom from in spiritual warfare is not a power encounter, but a truth encounter. (John 8:32). God’s power is in his truth. His word is truth (John 17:17). The truth of God’s word exposes Satan and his lies. Satan’s power is in the lie, and when the lie is exposed by the truth, his plans are foiled (Matt 4:4) (Anderson) Strong Christians are doctrinally grounded in the truth of Scripture. Unless you know the Word well, as Jesus did when He defeated Satan (Matt 4), you will not stand firm in the evil day (Cole). When you let go of the scriptures and you will easily latch on to sin. When Scripture is avoided, sin is unavoidable. (Ps 119:8-11).

The enemy, like a veteran fisherman, watches his fish, adapts his bait to his prey, and knows in what seasons and times the fish are most likely to bite. Satan knows just were to smite each of us. (Spurgeon). There are three key aspects to Satan’s schemes:

Specific, Satan’s schemes are his crafty, subtle, deliberate strategy in seeking out our most vulnerable point” The Devil is intelligent. There is a "method to his madness". He knows exactly what people like to hear (2 Tim 4:3; Gen 3:4-5). He knows what type of temptations the human race is more likely to embrace (1 John 2:15-17). The Devil stands ready to exploit any opportunity that our selfishness and stubbornness may give him. His temptation are geared specifically for each one of us. He makes it his business to inquire into the inclinations, thoughts, affections, purposes of the each person (Job 1) (Gurnall). He knows what we like and dislike. He knows what excites us and sees what we long for. He is a masterful “creeper”. He takes what he sees and skillfully crafts a method to entice us, tempt us and lead us into sin.

Seasonal Satan shows his subtlety in choosing the most proper and advantageous seasons for tempting He knows when to make his approaches, when he is most likely to be entertained: 1) When we are not happy, we are disillusioned, defeated or just don’t like ourselves. As an expert captain first labors to make a breach in the wall, and then storms the city, so Satan sees our disillusionment and steps in to provide a solution apart for God’s word. A temptation comes strong when the way to relief seems to lie through the sin that Satan is woo­ing us to 2) When we are or have been ministering for God's glory (Acts 15:36-39). 3) When we are in the presence of some object which would enforce his temptation. So he tempts Eve when she is near the tree, and had it in her eye. So it was harder for her to hinder the landing of his temptation; and if Eve's eye did so soon affect her heart with an inordinate desire, then how much more was it easy for him, by the presence of the object, to excite and activate that lust which lies dormant in the heart. (Gurnall)

Solidary Satan uses our “alone” time to draw us into temptation. He knows that it is harder to fight the battle alone and that it is easy to hide our sin when no one is watching. When we are “hiding” our secret sins from others, especially believers who could pour wise counsel into our lives, we have been deceived into believing that we are ok and are content to continue in our disobedience. (Prov 28:13, Ps 32:1-6).

Dispelling the Enemy that you may be able to stand against of

God has given believers two tools to enable them to stand against the devil: the armor of God and the strength and might of the Lord. These are only available for and appropriated by those who know the Lord. Those who do not know the Lord do not have his strength and might or his armor to stand against Satan. They have nothing to battle his onslaught.They are enslaved in the realm and under the power of Satan to do his bidding. So, You are either following Satan or fighting Satan. You are either succumbing to his schemes or standing against them.Satan is behind many of our temptations (Job 1-2). He uses the world system and our flesh (sinful nature) as his tools. We are to resist the devil (1 Pet 5:8-9), flee the temptations of the world system (1 Jn 2:15-17; 1 Tim 6:11; 2 Tim 2:22), and deny the flesh (Rom 6:12-13; 7:18-24; 8:13) Satan has consistently aimed his personal attacks at getting people to doubt, to deny, to disregard, and to disobey the revealed will of God (Gen 3; Matt 4). The world system seeks to get people to believe that they do not need God but can get along very well without Him (1 Jn 2). The flesh tempts us to think that we can find satisfaction, joy, and fulfillment on the physical, material level of life alone (Rom 7). (Constable) So to battle Satan, we must know his schemes and stand our ground. We must daily put on the complete armor of God. We cannot for a second let down our guard. He wants us to live a life of unrighteousness and ungodliness, so that is why must put on the breastplate of righteousness to guard our heart form his attacks. He wants us to believe and follow his lies, so we must put on the belt of truth to dispel his lies. He wants us to doubt our salvation, so we need to put on the helmet of salvation to guard our thoughts from his deceptions. He wants to attack our faith and so we must pick up the shield of faith to quench his darts. He wants us to doubt the word of God and that is why we must skillfully know, understand and apply God’s Word (the sword of the Spirit). Satan’s onslaught is relentless and so we must be diligent to be in God’s word daily, that we might stand against him.


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