Rejoice in Hope Romans 5:2 "we rejoice in hope of the glory of God."
The Place of Hope the glory of God
The glory of God is simply the expression of his person- the glory that belongs to God. The visible manifestation of the excellence of God’s character.
Two aspects:
Transcendent Glory of God- two aspects:
Honor and excellence – the superlative honor that should be given to God by everything in the universe. (Grudem) Is 43:7, Rom 3:23, John 17:5, Heb 1:3
Holiness and Splendor – the created brightness that surrounds God’s revelation of himself. – the created light that surrounds God as He manifests himself in His creation. It is something that belongs to him alone and is the appropriate outward expression of his own excellence. (Grudem) Ps 24:10, 104:1-2 God’s revelation of Himself should be accompanied by such splendor and brightness, for this glory of God is the visible manifestation of the excellence of His character. Luke 2:9, Matt 17:2, Acts 7:55-56, 9:3 Rev 21:23, The greatness of God’s being . . . we can never comprehend, but before which we can only stand in awe and wonder.
Transformation to partake of the Glory of God – we will share in his Glory Our hope is that we're literally going to share in glory that belongs to God. John 17:22 "the glory which you gave me, I have given them." Jesus said, I have shared our glory with them. If you are a believer right now, he has already shared his glory with you by giving you the Holy Spirit who dwells within you, the very presence of the glory of God. (McArthur) God made us to reflect his Glory (Matt 5:16, Phil 2:15) Though we are not now surrounded by a visible light, there is brightness and a splendor or a beauty about the manner of life of a person who deeply loves God, and it is often evident to those around such a person. (Grudem) We have the hope of sharing in the glory of God: 1 John 3:2 "being like him" "being made like him", 2 Corinthians 3:18 "being transformed into his image from one level of glory to the next.", Philippians 3:21 that incredible statement that we'll be transformed into a body like unto his glory McArthur The glory of his own divine holiness and majestic perfection will radiate in us and through us for all eternity, We will share God’s own glory because we are predestine to be conformed to the image of His son, Rom 8:29, 9:23 vessels . . . prepared beforehand for glory, God’s own glory is manifest through His grace, through His sharing His divine glory with those who deserve on destruction Rom 9:22 (McArthur)
The Perspective of Hope in hope of
Hope is simply anticipation. It's confidence in the future. It's not wishful thinking. It's a settled fact. It's a settled knowledge. 1 Tim 1:1 says "our savior and Lord Jesus Christ who is our hope." Our hope for the future, our confidence in the future is anchored in Christ as is our grace and our peace. Our hope in future glory is built and based on the Lord Jesus Christ. The hope of the glory of God then is our confident assurance that in the future, we will partake of divine glory. (McArthur)
Two elements:
Hope for the Next Life in hope of
In the life to come the brightness we encounter now will be intensified, so that as we reign with Christ, . . . we also will receive an outward appearance the is appropriate to that reign and to our status as image bearers of God and Servants of Jesus (Prov 4:18, Dan 12:3, Matt 13:43, 1 Cor 15:43) Grudem Be like Him (Rom 6:5, Col 3:4, Phil 3:2, 1 John 3:2) We will receive glory. Eternal glory. Some day we will be made like Christ. We will be made in his image. We will be perfect and without sin and holy. 2 Tim 2:10 (McArthur)
There will be a day when we ourselves shall be glorified. This is essential because without it we should never be fit or able to stand the Glory of God which shall be revealed. Our bodies are not what they were meant to be. Our bodies are weak and subject to illness and infection. . and aches and pains and all these things. All the beauty of man, the most handsome men and women, is only relative beauty and there are seeds of decay in if. But when we are glorified our very bodies shall be perfect, every vestige of sin will be taken out of them, and the results and consequences of sin will be entirely removed. There will be no trace of sin left, and every one of us will be glorious in beauty. (Jones)
Hope for Now not only that but we rejoice in our sufferings . . . produces hope
What is hope? a confident expectation of good things to come (Hebrews 6:11).
Why hope? Is there any ground or reason to hope? 2 Thessalonians 2:16 -the word grace: "The Lord Jesus Christ loved us and gave us good hope through grace!" We may hope because God is a God of grace. Colossians 1:23, - gospel: "Don't shift from the hope of the gospel." the sovereign grace of God (2 Thess 2:16), and the good news that Christ died for sinners (Col 1:23). There is hope because of grace that overflows for the ungodly and because of good news that Christ died for sinners.
How can I, a sinner who has no love to God and no inclination to trust Christ, ever have hope? Salvation is promised to those who believe. How can I hope if I don't believe? 1 Peter 1:3 new birth: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who by his great mercy caused us to be born again to a living hope." The Spirit blows where it wills and quickens the heart, giving spiritual life so that faith is born and a living hope springs forth from what was once dry ground.
How is hope sustained once it is created? Romans 15:4 the promises of God: "Whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that by steadfastness and by the encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope." Our hope is sustained by what God has said in his Word.
What is the content of our hope? What is it that we are actually hoping for?: Five things: the appearing of Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13), the redemption of our bodies (Romans 8:23), the consummation of our righteousness (Galatians 5:5), sharing the glory of God (Romans 5:2), and inheriting eternal life (Titus 1:2; 3:7).
We live in hope. We wait to see our Lord face to face. We wait to have whole and healthy bodies which don't get sick any more. We wait to have whole and healthy souls which don't sin any more. We will share in the Glory of God. And we possess an inheritance of eternal life.
What is the fruit of our Christian hope? What comes from hope? Does hope produce anything in daily life? Joy- Rom 12:11-12, God never commands a Christian to be happy if there is nothing to look forward to. But the gospel is the good news that there is always something to look forward to—something so good that any suffering that may be required of us will seem light and momentary by comparison (2 Cor 4:17). And since there is always a secure and happy future laid up for the Christian, the command remains in force: Rejoice always, Phil 4:4; Love Col 1:3-8 When Christians set their hearts earnestly and intensely on the future prospect of sharing the glory of God, and seeing the risen Lord, and being freed from sin and sickness, and living in joy for all eternity—with deep longing and strong confidence on these things, They can become so heavenly-minded that they are of no earthly use. They can become self-centered and fall prey to escapism. The Bible shows that a strong confidence in the promises of God and a passionate preference for the joy of heaven over the joy of the world frees a person from worldly self-centeredness, from paralyzing regret and self-pity, from fear and greed and bitterness and despair and laziness and impatience and envy. In it’s place, hope bears the fruit of love., Boldness 2 Cor 3:12 Christian hope is the cause of boldness in the Christian life. If you are not bold in your witness, if you are not courageous and risk-taking in your ventures of righteousness, if you are not open and straightforward in your speech, it may be that your hope is defective. Perhaps you are hoping in the wrong things to make your future happy. Perhaps you have never really thought seriously about the relationship between the strength of your hope and the boldness of your service to Christ. But "Since we have such a hope, we are very bold." and Endurance 1 Thess 1:2-3 when you read in Scripture that God shall cause you to endure (Jeremiah 32:40), the aim is that, you would set your hope on the sovereign grace of God, and in that hope find the strength to endure. And when you read that you must endure (Luke 21:19), the aim is the same: that, with all urgency and earnestness, you would set your hope on the sovereign grace of God, and in that hope find the strength to endure. (Piper)
The Proclamation that comes from hope we rejoice
Meaning of rejoice
Gk kauchaomai to glory in or on account of a thing – to boast. The word used here means to boast or glory. It is more than rejoicing, it is boasting. Because of the truth of justification and our future glorification we boast we exult, we glory in the hope of the glory of God. It means to congratulate oneself. You congratulate yourself for an accomplishment and then you boast in it. Paul uses this term because he use to boast in his own righteousness, but now he boasts in his position in Christ; and he boasts and exults in the this “glory of God” to which he now looks forward “in hope” Jones The Christian has no reason to fear the future and every reason to rejoice in it, because he has the divinely-secured hope that his ultimate destiny is to share in the very glory of God.
Motive for Boasting
Seeing the Father –This is the ultimate end of our faith; this is the final goal of it all . . to bring us eventually to that place where we shall stand and behold the glory of God. John 17:5, 24 . . . to see this glory in full display is what we long for 1 Cor 13:12 We already see something of the glory, but it is through a glass darkly . . Here he is says he is looking forward to seeing it, not in a glass darkly, but then “face to face”. Jones
Security of Faith Our hope is secured in the power of God, the promise of God, presence of the Holy Spirit and the wonderful intercessory work of the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:3-5 You are protected and you'll be brought to that final glorious salvation. Rom 8:29-30, Jude 24-25
Means of Boasting- Romans 1:16
We are concerned about getting the reluctant outsider into the church, but when you and I know something of the glory of God, and when those others see that we are being “changed from glory into glory” they will come to us of their own accord. The church is lacking this sense of the glory, and not boasting in it . . if the outsider saw something of the radiance and the glory of God himself . . . they would began to listen to us. In spite of all that is happening I the world they would look at us at our peace and our lives. They would be drawn and attracted to us and they would come to us and enquire of us the secret of our different type of life and outlook. Jones
Col 1:27 Christ in you the hope of Glory –We rejoice greatly when we reflect on the solid basis for the expectation of future bliss (Hendrickson)
If you have not seen much of the glory of God . . . it is because you are looking at other things. Col 3:1 set you’re affections on the things above. Turn away from it all and begin to look at, to gaze upon the things which are not seen, the things which are eternal. Set your affections there. It means diligence in your study of the scriptures and meditation upon them. Seek Him there as the Spirit to reveal Him to you. Ask Him to manifest Himself to you. Once you have caught a glimpse of Him and the glory that awaits you, then you are ready to join Paul and that you boast and glory and exult in the hope of the glory of God. (Jones)
What the apostle is saying is telling us is he is rejoicing in hope of this: he is going to see God, he is going to see Jesus without a veil, and he himself is going to be glorified. In that glorious body there shall be “neither spot nor wrinkle nor any such thing.” There will be no remnant of sin in spirit or in body or in any part of us. We shall be perfect and entire, glorified in a glorious body, in the presence of the “God of all glory.”